Top Business Romania 2024.
INCD Turbomotoare COMOTI obtained 1st place in Enterprises with Romanian Capital, Bucharest County, Research and Development field, according to the 2023 balance sheet.
International Innovation and Invention Show - EURO Politehnicus 2024, 1st edition, 22-24 November 2024, Bucharest, Romania.
COMOTI obtained four gold medals and two silver medals.
"Traian Vuia" International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations - Timisoara, June 13 - 15, 2024
COMOTI obtained 2 gold medals.
European Exhibition EUROINVENT XVIth edition, 6-8 June 2024, Iași, România.
COMOTI obtained a certificate of excellence, a special award, and two gold medals.
International Exhibition INVENTCOR 5th edition, 4-6 April 2024, Deva, Romania
COMOTI obtained a certificate of excellence, a special award, and two gold medals.
Specialized International Exhibition "INFOINVENT" 18th edition, 22-24 November 2023
COMOTI obtained 3 gold medals
Locurile 2 și 3 "Topul Firmelor 2023"
La ediția "Topul firmelor 2023" organizată de Camera de Comerț și Industrie a României, COMOTI a obținut locul 3 în clasamentul companiilor din București și locul 2 în clasamentul companiilor din sectorul 6 - domeniul "Cercetare - Dezvoltare".
Salonul Internațional de Inventică "PRO INVENT", Ediția a XXI-a, 2023, Cluj-Napoca, România / 25-27.10.2023
INCD Turbomotoare COMOTI a obținut 2 medalii de aur și Premiul Aniversar "Elie Carafoli".
The professionalism and the efficient management have led National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines – COMOTI into the national ranking of companies, winning the first place in “Top Business in Romania 2022” – Companies with Romanian capital section, “Research & Development” field.
COMOTI won 2 Bronze Medals for: "Unmanned aerial vehicle such as quadcopter with variable wings, vectorized engines and method of flight at fixed point and forward" and "Automated installation for testing thermal-barrier coatings to thermal shock, oxidation and corrosion".
The professionalism and the efficient management have led National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines – COMOTI into the national ranking of companies, winning 2nd place in “Top Business in Romania 2021” – Companies with Romanian capital section, “Research & Development” field.
COMOTI obtained 4 Medals the following: INCD Turbomotoare COMOTI a obținut 5 medalii pentru următoarele lucrări: "Automated test bench for brushless motor with propeller for unmanned aerial vehicles", "Process and installation for manufacturing high pressure flexible elements", "Unmanned aerial vehicle, such as quadcopter, with variable wings, vectorized engine and method of flight at fixed point and forward" and "Automated installation for testing thermal-barrier coatings to thermal shock, oxidation and corrosion".
The professionalism and the efficient management have led National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines – COMOTI into the national ranking of companies, winning 2nd place in “Top Business in Romania 2020” – Companies with Romanian capital section and 3nd place in Ilfov county, “Research & Development” field.
INCD Turbomotoare COMOTI a obținut trei medalii pentru următoarele lucrări: "Energy storage technology in CEAS system, using oil-injected screw compressors and expanders", "Space airplanes and supersonics aircrafts with variable configurations for sonic boom reduction" and "New configurations of space constructions facilitating fast disintegration thereof after re-entering the atmosphere".
The professionalism and the efficient management have led National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines – COMOTI into the national ranking of companies, winning 2nd place in “Top Business in Romania 2018” – Companies with Romanian capital, “Research & Development” field.
At the anniversary edition of “Top Companies in Bucharest 2018” organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania, National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines – COMOTI won 3rd place in the ranking of companies in Bucharest.
COMOTI obtained PRO INVENT Excellence Award and the Gold Medal, INMA Bucharest Diploma of Excellence, "Cadet INOVA" Diploma of Excellence and "Junior Achievement Moldova" Diploma of Excellence for: "Multistage afterburner installation in a self-ventilated turboengine skyd".
COMOTI obtained Diploma of Appreciation - Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation and The Politehnica Innovation Award - University Politehnica of Bucharest for: "SPATIAL CANNON WITH CONCENTRATED LIGHT for protection of earth against asteroids, for feeding of spacecraft, orbital stations, satelites with additional power, for cleaning of space by debris and for terraforming of other planets and natural satellites of solar system".
COMOTI won Gold Medal for: "SPATIAL CANNON WITH CONCENTRATED LIGHT for protection of earth against asteroids, for feeding of spacecraft, orbital stations, satelites with additional power, for cleaning of space by debris and for terraforming of other planets and natural satellites of solar system".
COMOTI won Silver Medal for: "SPATIAL CANNON WITH CONCENTRATED LIGHT for protection of earth against asteroids, for feeding of spacecraft, orbital stations, satelites with additional power, for cleaning of space by debris and for terraforming of other planets and natural satellites of solar system".solar".
COMOTI obtained PRO INVENT Excellence Award and the Gold Medal for: "SPATIAL CANNON WITH CONCENTRATED LIGHT for protection of earth against asteroids, for feeding of spacecraft, orbital stations, satelites with additional power, for cleaning of space by debris and for terraforming of other planets and natural satellites of solar system".
INCDT COMOTI won Gold Medal for: Equipment for Power Production, by participating at the 41st edition of "Salon International des Inventions, Geneve". More details can be found on
INCDT COMOTI obtained the Diploma and Gold Medal for: Gas fuels feeding installation, by participating at the 15th edition of the International Salon of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer "INVENTICA 2011".
INCDT COMOTI obtained the Diploma and Gold Medal for: Equipment for Power Production , by participating at the 15th edition of the International Salon of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer "INVENTICA 2011".
INCDT COMOTI obtained the Diploma and Gold Medal for: Multifuell pulsatory combustion chamber, by participating at the 15th edition of the International Salon of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer "INVENTICA 2011".
INCDT COMOTI won Gold Medal for: Combustion and Laserometrie Laboratory, by participating at the 13th edition of the "International Salon of Research, Innovation and Technological Transfer, INVENTICA, Iasi".