Compressor research and experimentation laboratory
Types of trialed compressors:
- Rotary screw compressors, with and without oil injection;
- Centrifugal and axial compressors with P < 0.6 MW and n<60,000 RPM;
- Centrifugal and axial compressors with P<1.3 MW and n<30,000 RPM.
Trial type:
- Open circuit.
Trial execution:
- The beneficiary receives the mounting conditions attainable in the laboratory, with drag-along equipment interfacing and tapes to be designed and executed. This activity can also be carried out by specialized collectives of INCDT COMOTI, this being the cooperation relationship sought out.
- Data acquisition and process lead are carried out in the command room fitted with all the necessary equipment for achieving the objective.
The following parameters are acquired in real-time:
- Drag – along system:
- Engine power;
- Engine revolution;
- Gearbox exit revolution;
- Gearbox lubrication oil parameters(pressure, temperature, mass flow);
- Gearbox vibration level.
- Test compressor:
- Inlet pressure and temperature;
- Outlet pressure and temperature;
- Air mass flow;
- Compressor bearing system parameters;
- Vibrations level, with fail-safe;
- Compressor torque, real – time variation;
- Other parameters, bz request of the beneficiary.
Acquisition system fitted with automatic recorder:
- Honeywell, 32 simultaneous channels
Torque gauges fitted:
- Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik, precision class 0.05%.

a) Command room; b) Rotary screw compressor line;
c) Oil cooling system; d) Command panel;
c) Oil cooling system; d) Command panel;