Metrology Laboratory
INCDT – COMOTI Metrology Laboratory presentation
1.1. Briefing: The Metrology laboratory is operational since 1992, it has been BRML certified in 1996 and 1998. In 2001 has been attested for metrology conformity control of irregular measurement instruments, in the areas of length measurement, temperature, pressure, mechanical vibrations, frequency and speed, electrical and magnetic measures
1.2. Employees: 6 people:
- 1 physicist – CS III;
- 5 metrology technicians;
- Equipments: referable standards, working standards, auxiliary devices and accessories - high level modern gouges, most of them with calibration and data logging and transfer software, PC connected, for standardizing in the areas of lengths, temperature, pressure, mechanical vibrations, absolute and relative, frequency and speed, electrical measures and automation, gauges to ensure follow-up for measurements results on to International Unit System
- Metrology Laboratory Activity : creating standards and testing for
- Institute's laboratories and testing benches equipments;
- measuring-monitoring channels and automated monitoring and control systems of the turbine engine sets, superchargers, electrical compressors, electrical blowers, screw compressors and so on, within fields of temperature, pressure, speed, mechanical vibrations - absolute / relative, relative movement, electrics-automatics,
- Conclusions – Proficiency capitalization
- Insuring metrological conformity through standardizations for measuring-monitoring equipments of the high speed revolving machines, used more and more in regular fields - turbine engines sets, cogenerative plants, superchargers, air/gas electric compressors, electric blowers;
- Insuring through specific tests the technical conformity for measuring-monitoring equipments, including automated command and control systems in order to guarantee correct and safe functioning of the machine.
- Accomplishing measurements, standardization and tests for new CDI contracts/projects for the Institute, and guarantee the obtained results accuracy and validity during testing;
INCDT – COMOTI Metrology Laboratory, through it's modern technical endowment, through implementation of new methods/procedures for testing and standardizing - adequate to new measurement-monitoring equipments and through gathered experience and knowledge in the field of standardizing and testing equipments, has the technical and scientific proficiency for: