Combustion Chambers Laboratory reflects and capitalizes on the full scope and level of competence the Institute experience in combustion process.
The field of activity is the design, the CFD analysis, the realization and experimentation in the gas-dynamics field, combustion chambers and related fields (energy, conventional and alternative liquid and gaseous fuels, heat transfer, specific technologies, gasification and pyrolysis)
- Combustion chambers design, manufacturing, testing and development;
- Low and high pressure combustion experiments;
- Experimental measurements of combustion chamber, flame stability and aero dynamical parameters;
- CFD analysis for reactive and non-reactive flows;
- Experimental measurements and numerical simulations for micro and small propulsion systems;
- Non - intrusive Laser based measurements of velocity, gas composition and temperature;
- Experimental measurements of non-conventional gaseous and liquid fuelled combustion;
- Renewable energies experiments: biomass, gasification, biofuels combustion.
Notable Achievements:
- Cogeneration Unit 2X 2MW(e) + 2X 7MW(t);
- Combustion chamber and fuel feeding and injection system for fuel in a micro-gas turbine engine 100daN;
- Combustion chamber GTC 1000 (900KW);
- Combustion chamber AI20GM (2,2 MW);
- Combustion chamber and fuel feeding and injection system for fuel in an VIPER industrial gas turbine engine (1,8 MW);
- Technology, processing and micro-production series for thermoresistant enamel coatings for aviation industry (customers: Romania, Russia and Egypt).
Partners and Collaborations:
- Technical Universities from Romania (Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara);
- Research Institutes and Technical Universities from Europe: Ecole Polytechnique de Laussane, Trinity College of Dublin, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft–und Raumfahrt–DLR, University of Leeds, Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratoire Reaction et genie des procede – NANCY, L’Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales–ONERA , Imperial College of London, Technische Universitat Berlin, Technische Universitat Munchen, Institut von Karman de Dynamique des Fluides, Institut fuer Physikalische Chemie Universitaet Karlsruhe, Central Institute Of Aviation Motors CIAM Moscwa, Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali SCPA, Politechnika WARSZAWSKA, Technical University Kosice, etc.;
- Industrial partners: OMV-Petrom, AEROSTAR, TURBOMECA France, GE Aviation, etc. ;