Invest in people !
Sectoral Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007 - 2013
Priority Axis 2 "Linking Lifelong Learning to the Labor Market"
Key area of intervention 2.1 "Transition from school to active life”
Contract Identification Number: POSDRU / 90 / 2.1 / S / 62399
Implementation period: 01.07.2010 - 30.06.2013 (36 months)
Overall objective of the project strong> The overall objective of the project is to develop the skills of 1350 pupils and students and professional guidance and counseling for at least 2,000 students and students by the end of the project through practical training sessions and sessions guidance and professional counseling.
Project stage: At the moment, the project is in the 18th month of implementation.
Activities carried out to date and results:
- 22 support materials were developed to develop internships and guidance and counseling activities;
- Information and awareness campaigns for the project activities were carried out among students from Bucharest, Ploiesti, Buzau and Brasov;
- Approximately 950 students were counseled to facilitate the transition from school to active life;
- Twenty tutors were trained to carry out practice;
- There have been practical training sessions for about 80 pupils from Buzau and 70 from Bucharest;
- Innovative activities for students and students such as: Excursions and Innovative Practice;
Activities to be carried out:
- Conceiving and disseminating practical guidance for pupils and students;
- Conducting counseling sessions for students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mechatronics of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest;
- Innovative activities for students: prizes competitions;
- Conducting campaigns to raise awareness of the need for practical training;
- Conducting internships for students and students;
Project Partnership:
Main Partner: Association of producers, distributors and owners of hot, hot and steam water boilers, of fuel consuming heating appliances and pressure equipment in Romania.
Partner 1: Polytechnic University of Bucharest - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
Partner 2: SC Target Romania SRL
Partner 3: SC Frigotehnica SRL
Partner 4 S.C. MARCO&ALEX Instalatii Frig S.R.L
Partner 5: COMOTI Turbomotor National Institute for Research and Development
Partner 6:National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics
Target group:
The target group consists of pupils and students enrolled in the national education system, belonging to different accredited education institutions from different cities in the country that have provided for internships in the internship program.
Along with these, we mention that they are part of the target group and a number of 20 employees from the employing organizations in which practical training sessions will take place, with tutors.
Project co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007-2013.