OPENAIR - Optimization for low Environmental Noise impact AIRcraft Program : FP7 Contract no : 234313 Consortium : 48 entities, including 44 from UE, 3 from Russia Federation and 1 from Egypt Coordinator : SNECMA, from France The objectives of the project : - Develop and validate up to TRL5 an integrated range of “2nd Generation” technology solutions, aimed at achieving a step change in noise reduction, beyond the SILENCE(R) project achievements, - Determine the levels of noise reduction achievable through realistic exploitation of the validated technologies across the range of current and future European range of products (Power plant and Airframe), - Verify the practical applicability of the technologies by addressing identified integration and environmental trade-offs (performance, weight, cost, emissions), so that detailed proposals can be made for subsequent full scale demonstration in the Clean Sky JTI. Project presentation : Within this project period 2009-2011, the composite team manufactured a series of demonstrators (prototypes) representing stator blades made from advanced composite materials, lighter than the classic metallic materials. These prototypes represents a novelty at national but also international level because it integrates high level technologies that targets decreasing the weight for civil aicrafts aiming reducing fuel consumption and environmental impact, but also noise reduction technologies for reducing the impact of aircrafts on communities around airports. The physical manufacturing of the stator blades has been the result of team complex researches, which involved performing a complete technological cycle starting from design & geometry, stress analysis, processing and testing the composite materials up to the manufacturing of the blade using the autoclave technology, within the composite material laboratory in INCDT COMOTI. The composite part was selected by the European Commission to be presented during the "Aero days 2011" held in Madrid, Spain, being considered a high quality and an important achievement of the OPENAIR project. Likewise, COMOTI was invited at the „ Salon International de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (SIAE) Paris Le Bourget ” in June 2011 to present the OGV (outlet guide vane) composite prototype. Presently a joint patent (COMOTI and SNECMA) issued during OPENAIR project, is under work and will be submitted.
![]() Project duration : 66 mounths Start date : April 2009 Project total budget : 27.392.836 euro, including 18.273.829 euro from European Commission Total Budget I.N.C.D.T. COMOTI: 390 195 euro in which : - 292 646 euro from European Commission contract 234313 / 2009 - 337 916 lei from Ministery of National Education through UEFISCDI contract 71-EU / 2010 Contact person: dr.eng. Raluca Voicu, raluca.voicu@comoti.ro