Currently, the biggest challenge facing the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry is limited autonomy. Since these vehicles are equipped with electric motors, the introduction of batteries to supply the required electrical power is necessary. However, due to the considerable weight of the batteries, autonomy is directly dependent on them. This challenge has been overcome by introducing thermal engines on board unmanned aircraft.
The primary goal of this assembly is to test the microengine configuration directly connected to the generator that will produce electric current for the motors to be mounted on the drone. The test stand will evaluate the MicroTurbo-Generator configuration in real conditions, including a consumer, specifically an Electric Ducted Fan (EDF) motor to replace the motors that will equip the drone.
Technical details:
MicroEngine Power: 5.2 kW
MicroEngine Speed: 170000 RPM
MicroEngine Mass: 1.8 Kg
Electric Generator Mass: 1 Kg
EGT (Exhaust Gas Temperature): 700 C
Output current: 48V DC
Fuel: Amestec Kerosen + 5% ulei
Fuel consumpion: 80-180 mL/min
The equipment of the multirotor and/or fixed-wing UAV aimed at increasing flight autonomy.