Development of new methods by real and virtual solidification processing of materials with special properties to achieve high temperatures for power turboengines

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund


„Investment for your future”

The main objectives of the project:

  • Creating a nucleus (core group) of scientific and technical competence of high-level, at European and international standards within INCDTurboengines COMOTI in Bucharest under the leadership of a world-renowned specialist, particularly drew in this respect, able to develop new methods, original for virtual and real solidification processing of material with special properties at high temperatures used in turboengines (turboshafts) design & manufacturing;
  • Generating scientific results of an absolute novelty for our country like the new methods, with original character for processing both virtual and real of special properties materials for design & manufacturing of blades, turbine rotors and compressor which equip turboengines (turboshafts).

Operational Programme POS CCE
PRIORITY AXIS PRIORITY AXIS 2 – Research, Technological Development and Innovation for Competitiveness
Key Area of Intervention Key Area of Intervention 2.1. – R&D partnerships between universities/ research institutes, and enterprises for generating results directly applicable in economy
Operation Operation 2.1.2: „Complex research projects fostering the participation of high-level international experts”


“For detailed information on other operational programs financed by the European Union please visit”

Project no.. 663 / cod SMIS – CSNR 12607 The financing contract: 174 / 16.06.2010 The Project implementation start date is: 16.06.2010 The Project implementation period is 36 months.


Project Manager: prof. dr. Eng. Stefanescu Doru Mihai

The beneficiary’s contact person,
Scientific project responsible
: drd. eng. Cristian PUSCASU

Tel. 021 434 01 98/489, Fax: 021 434 02 41, e-mail:

Contracting Authority: ANCS – DGOI, str. Mendeleev 21- 25, sect. 1 , Bucuresti , tel /fax. 021.3183060

"This report does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or of the Government of Romania”