Title: Support Actions to create New RDI partnerships in trans-border area in order to bring together Business and Research for accessing European Founds - SANDI

LEAD PARTNER: National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI Bucharest, Romania

PARTNER: University of RUSE “ANGEL KANCHEV”, Rouse, Bulgaria

Operational Program

Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013

Priority Axis 3

Economic and Social Development - Economic development and social cohesion by joint identification and enhancement of the area’s comparative advantages

Key Area of Intervention 3.1

Development of joint infrastructure and services to prevent natural and man-made crises, including joint emergency response services

Indicative Operation -4

Promotion of co-operation between universities research institutes and businesses in the field of R&D and innovation

no.2(3i)-3.1-13 , cod MIS-ETC: 211
Contract financing:
Project implementation start date:
Project implementation period:
18 months

Total value of the project: 540.382,47 EUR
Lead Partner value budget: 349.763,49 EUR
Partner value budget: 190.618,98 EUR

Project Manager
: Dr. Eng. Adina IONESCU


Creating a joint network formed by specialists from all technological fields is the main objective of SANDI project. Having specialists from different entities will cover a large knowledge area by connecting different entities (research, university and economic agents) in order to access and invest new founds in trans-border area.

The project aims to identify the trans-border needs / necessities and to correlate the specific partners from the joint network with the opportunity created through organizing a series of events like workshops, conferences and a caravan.

The project and the network will have an interactive website ( dedicated to the local needs.

Through these objectives we intend to improve the support for cross-border business cooperation, promotion of a regional image and to attract new founds in the local area by submitting project proposals to access European Founds and projects for business field.  


  • Identify and establish the potential network members, the set of priorities / needs and objectives, the RD programs and European requirements regarding the specific environmental legislation in the trans-border area.
  • Organizing workshops and a caravan to identify new projects ideas in trans border area and to disseminate the results obtained by the network members in support of the local economical agents.
  • Creating an informational interactive website dedicated to the local needs and formulating new projects proposal to access European founds for the local area.


  • Joint research informational network (including a database of European universities and research institutes);
  • Support actions (workshop / round tables / caravan);
  • Young research specialists;
  • European project proposals.


  • Scientific researchers (to develop innovative products/ opportunities for communities and local economical agents needs);
  • Professors and PhD students (to disseminate and to be formed as future specialists);
  • Foreign specialists (to transfer their knowledge information and experience).


Project Director: Dr. Eng. Adina I0NESCU, COMOTI Bucharest, 6 Iuliu Maniu B-d No. 220D Bucharest, Romania, phone: 021 434 01 98/421, Fax: 021 434 02 41

Managing Authority: Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Street No.17 Apolodor , sector 5, Bucharest phone: +40 0372111369, fax: +40 0372111456, e-mail:

The Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS/CBC) Regional Office RO - BG Calarasi Chiciu area, part of the main building of the headquarters building representing the Public Service River Transportation of goods and passengers to PCTF Calarasi (Romania), Silistra (Bulgaria), jud.Calarasi . Phone: +40 242 313 091, Fax +40 242 313 092, E-mail:

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Investing in your future!

Romania - Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund

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