Laboratory Research and Experimenting Compressors

Compressor research and testing laboratory

(Parte din Installations of National Interest - IIN3 Complex Termogazodinamic)

Types of compressors tested:

  • Screw compressors with and without oil injection;
  • Centrifugal and axial compressors with P< 0.6 MW si n < 60 000 RPM;
  • Centrifugal and axial compressors with P< 1.3 MW si n < 30 000 RPM.

Type of test:

  • Open circuit

How to perform the test:

  • Beneficiarul primeste conditiile de montaj posibile in laborator, putand sa proiecteze si sa realizeze interfetele cu instalatia de antrenare a standului si cu lanturile de masura. Aceasta activitate poate fi efectuata si de colectivele specializate ale INCDT COMOTI, fiind preferata aceasta din urma cale de cooperare cu potentialul beneficiar.
  • Data acquisition and process management is achieved through the command room provided with all the necessary equipment to meet the goal.

The following parameters are acquired in real time:

  • Drive system:
    - engine power;
    -engine speeds;
    - speed at multiplier output;
    - parametri ulei ungere multiplicator (presiune, temperatura, debit);
    - nivel vibratii multiplicator.
  • Compresor de test:
    - presiune si temperatura admisie;
    - presiune si temperatura evacuare;
    - debit aer;
    - parametri sistem de lagaruire compresor;
    - nivel de vibratii cu oprire in caz de avarie;
    - cuplul la compresor, variatia sa in timp real;
    - alti parametri, la cererea beneficiarului.

Sistemul de achizitie prevazut cu inregistrator automat:

  • Honeywell, cu 32 canale simultane.

Traductori de cuplu in dotare:

  • Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik, clasa de precizie 0.05%

a) Camera de comanda; b) Linie compresor surub;
c) Sistem racire ulei; d) Panoul de comanda;