Compressor research and testing laboratory

(Parte din Installations of National Interest - IIN3 Termogazodinamic Complex)

Types of compressors tested:

  • Screw compressors, with and without oil injection;
  • Centrifugal and axial compressors with P <0.6 MW and n <60 000 RPM;
  • Centrifugal and axial compressors with P <1.3 MW and n <30 000 RPM.


  • Open circuit

How to perform the test:

  • The beneficiary receives the possible installation conditions in the laboratory, being able to design and realize the interfaces with the stand installation and the measuring chains. This activity can also be carried out by the specialized teams of INCDT COMOTI, the latter being the preferred way of cooperating with the potential beneficiary.
  • Data acquisition and process management is achieved through the command room provided with all the necessary equipment to meet the goal.

The following parameters are acquired in real time:

  • Drive system:
    - engine power;
    -engine speed;
    - speed at multiplier output;
    - lubrication oil multiplier parameters (pressure, temperature, flow);
    - vibration multiplier level.
  • Test Compressor:
    - pressure and inlet temperature;
    - pressure and exhaust temperature;
    - air flow;
    - compressor lagging system parameters;
    - vibration level with stop in case of failure;
    - torque to compressor, its variation in real time;
    - other parameters at the request of the beneficiary.

Acquisition system with automatic recorder:

  • Honeywell, with 32 simultaneous channels.

Torque converters:

  • Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik, Precision Class 0.05%

a) Control room; b) Screw compressor line;
c) Oil cooling system; d) the control panel;