General Diagram

Air Sources Fuel Sources
1. Flow Rate: max. 10 kg/s
   Pressure: max. 1,14 bar
   Temperature: atmosferic
1. Kerosen, Diesel
Flow Rate: max. 0,5 kg/s
Pressure: max. 90 bar
2. Flow Rate: max. 10 kg/s
   Pressure: max. 1,14 bar
   Temperature: max. 600 K
      (mixing pre-heater)
2. Natural Gas
Flow Rate: max. 3000 Nm3/h
Pressure: max. 15 bar
3. Flow Rate: max. 8 kg/s
   Pressure: max. 16 bar
   Temperature: max. 800 K
     (humidity control pre-heater)
3. Gasification, biomass, wood materials
4. Biofuels
  (camelina, ecodiesel, etc.)

Main Experimental Lines:

  • R.1 - High Pressure Line (max air:14 bar; 6 kg/s; t 200 C; burned gases temperature max 1600C)
  • R.2 - Low Pressure Line (max air 1.12 bar; 4 kg/s ; atmospheric temperature)
  • R.3 - High Pressure Line with optical acces (air max:14 bar-0.5 kg/s, t 600 C; electrical pre-heater)
  • R.4 - High Pressure Line with optical acces (air max:6 bar-1.0 kg/s, t 2500 C; gas burner pre-heater)
  • R.5 - Experiemental Line - Burners for biomass, gasification (200 KW)

Maximum Capacity


Air flowrate

Air pressure,

Inlet air temperature

Natural gas

Liquid fuels (Kerosen, Diesel, other)

C 1

  6 kg/s

1600  kPA


0.23 kg/s

0.27 kg/s

Optically-Accessible Pressure sensors, thermocouples, strain gauges, noise, flow meters, Emission analyzers

C 2

2 kg/s

1600 kPA

773 K

0.07 kg/s

0.08 kg/s

Optically-Accessible Pressure sensors, thermocouples, strain gauges, noise, flow meters, Emission analyzers, air-gas air heather

C 3

0.5 kg/s

1600 kPA

1073 K

0.02 kg/s

0.02 kg/s

Optically-Accessible Pressure sensors, thermocouples, strain gauges, noise, flow meters, Emission analyzers, electric air heather

Main Instrumentation and Facilities:

  • PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) LaVision - nonintrusive measurment line
  • LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) LaVision - nonintrusive measurment line
  • SIKC-MAIHAK ultrasonic flowmeter for gaseous measurments (0.5% precision)
  • Flow measurments with diaphragm and Venturi tube
  • KIMO Pitot tube(1 %, for a ± 10 ° alignment,ap to 1000 °C)
  • MRU VARIO Plus - portable burned gases analizer (CnHn,CO,CO2, NOx,H2)
  • IMR2000 - burned gases analizer (O2/CO/NO/CO2/CxHy)
  • Micro turbine engine Garret GTP 30-67 (25 KW)
  • Micro turbine engine Capstone C30 (30 KW)
  • 72 CPUs Core Intel XEON Supercomputer - for CFD analysis
  • Automatic Multifuel Oil Burner - model KG/UB 100
  • Laser Pirometer - laser LaVision
  • Control valves for high pressure and temperature
  • Electrical valves for air flow control, for liquid and gaseous fueles flow control
  • PLC data aquisition system (0.15s/1 K program)


  • ANSYS: CFX, Fluent