COMOTI Capabilities for Spatial Programs
Modelare 3D
Modelare 3D

Sealing and closing system developed by COMOTI within the MREP2 program Contractor: ESA
COMOTI Temperature Temperature Thermal Testing Plant developed by JUICE Contractor: Centrul spatial din Liege
Assembly device developed by COMOTI within the Future Launchers Preparatory Program (FLPP) Contractor:MT Aerospace
CFD optimization and analysis

Ejector System - COMOTI CFD Analysis of Altitude Simulation for Ejection of Hydrogen and Liquid Oxygen in the Ariane 5ME / Ariane Common Upper Stage Program 6. Contractor:DLR
Finite Element Analysis (Thermal Calculation, Stress and Vibration)

Finite Element Analysis for Wide Temperature Thermal Testing Enclosure within the JUICE Program. contractor:Liege Space Center

Finite element analysis for the COMOTI closure system within the MREP2 program. contractor: ESA
Realization of assemblies and metal and composite materials

Metallic parts (devices) processed using the existing COMOTI facilities within the CRONUS project, part of the Future Launchers Preparatory Program (FLPP) Contractor: MT Aerospac
Components for space made of composite materials within the national STAR program

Through the Space Equipment Research & Development Department, INCDT COMOTI considers the following:
- Ensures coordination of development projects for space equipment and services;
- Identifies new opportunities for cooperation in the space industry;
- Ensures the visibility of the space services offered by COMOTI through dedicated events and maintaining a permanent contact with potential collaborators.
- Component and Device Design (CATIA, SolidEdge, Autocad, Siemens NX);
- Resistance and vibrational calculus (Patran, Nastran, Actran, SimExpert, others);
- Fluid dynamics of calculus and analysis (Ansys, CFX, Numeca, others);
- Production;
- Assembly;
- Research - Development for dedicated solutions.
- Mechanical pressing units;
- Test benches for noise and vibration (vibrational TiraVib mass);
Within this project, COMOTI aims at designing, calculating and realizing the two enclosures (the "small" version will accommodate a useful internal volume of 1.8mx 1.6mx 2.0m (LxWxH)) and the "large" version will accommodate a useful internal volume of 5m x 2m x 3.5m (LxWxH)) of sheet metal and stainless steel profiles.
Within this project, COMOTI aims at designing, calculating and realizing the two enclosures (the "small" version will accommodate a useful internal volume of 1.8mx 1.6mx 2.0m (LxWxH)) and the "large" version will accommodate a useful internal volume of 5m x 2m x 3.5m (LxWxH)) of sheet metal and stainless steel profiles.
Within this project, COMOTI had the task of analyzing two existing concepts for the capsule sealing system that will bring Earth 100g of material collected from the surface of Phobos (Mars' Moon) to develop, design and optimize a system capable of meeting all ESA requirements and making a preliminary test and development plan required in the second phase of the project.
Within this project, COMOTI had the task of analyzing two existing concepts for the capsule sealing system that will bring Earth 100g of material collected from the surface of Phobos (Mars' Moon) to develop, design and optimize a system capable of meeting all ESA requirements and making a preliminary test and development plan required in the second phase of the project.
Within this project, COMOTI has successfully designed and built the necessary devices for "vacuum clamping, thermoforming, edge milling and assembly, as well as components that are part of the demonstrator tank - Y ring," Man Hole Cover "flanges.
Within this project, COMOTI has successfully designed and built the necessary devices for "vacuum clamping, thermoforming, edge milling and assembly, as well as components that are part of the demonstrator tank - Y ring," Man Hole Cover "flanges.
The role of COMOTI in this project is to design and manufacture Mechanical Assembling and Ground Handling Equipment (MGSE). B>
The role of COMOTI in this project is to design and manufacture Mechanical Assembling and Ground Handling Equipment (MGSE). B>
Test bench P5.2 for U/S
Within this project, COMOTI conducted a study in which, according to the requirements of DLR, designed and developed the concept model, it did finite element calculations and an automation scheme for two hydrogen and oxygen ejectors. B>
Within this project, COMOTI conducted a study in which, according to the requirements of DLR, designed and developed the concept model, it did finite element calculations and an automation scheme for two hydrogen and oxygen ejectors. B>
The project focuses on the experimental demonstration of H2 / O2 pulsatile technology in a relevant environment as a method of attitude control, by means of propellers, for small satellites / CubeSat. b>
The project focuses on the experimental demonstration of H2 / O2 pulsatile technology in a relevant environment as a method of attitude control, by means of propellers, for small satellites / CubeSat. b>
In proiectul PEMSAPU s-a realizat modelul experimental pentru o unitate auxiliara de alimentare cu energie bazata pe pile de combustibil de tip PEM, dedicata aplicatiilor spatiale, respectiv capabila sa opereze intr-un spatiu inchis caracterizat prin gravitatie scazuta, fara a se efectua umidificarea externa a reactantilor (hidrogen si oxigen).
In proiectul PEMSAPU s-a realizat modelul experimental pentru o unitate auxiliara de alimentare cu energie bazata pe pile de combustibil de tip PEM, dedicata aplicatiilor spatiale, respectiv capabila sa opereze intr-un spatiu inchis caracterizat prin gravitatie scazuta, fara a se efectua umidificarea externa a reactantilor (hidrogen si oxigen).
Advanced Strategic Planning on the Development of a Turbopump System for a Liquid Propelled Propeller
Advanced Strategic Planning on the Development of a Turbopump System for a Liquid Propelled Propeller