Part of the National Integrity Plant - IIN3 Termogazodinamic Complex
The range of services:
- Experimental measurements and testing of low and high pressure combustion chambers, parameters of flame stability, aerodynamic parameters;
- Design, production, testing and development of combustion chambers;
- Non-invasive laser measurements of the speed and temperature fields and the composition of the gases;
- Experimental measurements and numerical simulations for small and micro propulsion systems;
- Numerical high resolution simulations for reactive and non-reactive flows;
- Development and implementation of numerical models and analysis of finite elements on linear and nonlinear domains;
- Experimental measurements on the combustion of non-conventional gaseous and liquid fuels ;
- Renewable energies testing: gasification, biomass and bio-fuels.
Great Achievements:
- Cogeneration plant 2X 2MW (s) + 2X 7MW (t);
- Combustion chamber and fuel / fuel injection system for micro-engine with 100daN gas turbine;
- Combustion chamber GTC 1000 (900KW);
- AI20GM combustion chamber (2.2 MW);
- Camera de ardere si sistem de alimentare/injectie combustibil pentru turbomotor industrial Viper (1,8 MW);
- Technology, processing and micro-production for the thermo-resists for the aerospace industry (beneficiaries: Romania, Russia and Egypt).
Partners and collaborators:
- Technical Universities in Romania (Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj-Napoca, Timisoara);
- Research Institute and Technical Universities in Europe: Ecole Polytechnique de Laussane, Trinity College of Dublin, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt-DLR, University of Leeds, Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratoire Reaction et genie des procede - NANCY, L'Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales-ONERA, Imperial College of London, Technische Universitat Berlin, Technische Universitat Munchen, Institut von Karman de Dynamique des Fluides, Institut für Physikalische Chemie Universität Karlsruhe, Central Institute of Aviation Motors CIAM Moscwa, Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali SCPA, WARSZAWSKA Polytechnic, Technical University of Kosice, etc.;
- Industrial partners: OMV-Petrom, AEROSTAR, TURBOMECA France, GE Aviation, etc. ;
Natural Gases
Fuel natural gas: 1.3 kg/s air 1200 kPa; 1350 K
Air sources | Sources of combustible |
1. Mass flow: max. 10
kg/s Pressure: max. 1,14 bar Temperature: Atmospheric |
Kerosen, Diesel Mass flow: max. 0,5 kg/s Pressure: max. 90 bar |
2. Mass flow: max. 10
kg/s Pressure: max. 1,14 bar Temperature: max. 600 K (preheat mixer) |
Natural gases Debit vol: max. 3000 Nm3/h Pressure: max. 15 bar |
3. Mass flow: max. 8 kg/s Pressure: max. 16 bar Temperature: max. 800 K ( preheater with humidity control) |
Gasification, biomass, wood material |
4. Biofuels span> (camelina, ecodiesel,etc.) |
Main lines of experimentation:
- R.1 - High pressure line (max air: 14 bar, 6 kg / s, t 200 C, combustion gas temperature max 1600C)
- R.2 - Low pressure line (max air 1.12 bar, 4 kg / s, atmospheric temperature)
- R.3 - High pressure line with optical access (max air: 14 bar-0.5 kg / s, t 600 C, electric preheater)
- R.4 - High pressure line with optical access (air max: 6 bar-1.0 kg / s, t 2500 C, air-gas preheater)
- R.5 - Test line - biomass burners, gasification (200 KW)
Maximum capacity |
instrumentation |
Air flow |
Presiune Aer, |
Inlet air temperature |
Natural gas |
Fuels liquid (Kerosene, Diesel, others) |
C 1 |
6 kg/s |
1600 kPA |
atmospheric |
0.23 kg/s |
0.27 kg/s |
Optical Access Temperature sensors,
thermocouples, tensometric transducers, acoustic measurements, flowmeters, gas analyzer |
C 2 |
2 kg/s |
1600 kPA |
773 K |
0.07 kg/s |
0.08 kg/s |
Optical Access Temperature sensors,
thermocouples, tensometric transducers, acoustic measurements, flowmeters, gas analyzer |
C 3 |
0.5 kg/s |
1600 kPA |
1073 K |
0.02 kg/s |
0.02 kg/s |
Optical Access Temperature sensors,
thermocouples, tensometric transducers, acoustic measurements, flowmeters, gas analyzer |
Some facilities:
- PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) LaVision - line of non-intrusive measurements
- LIF (Laser Induced Fluorescence) LaVision - lsome non-intrusive measurements
- SIKC-MAIHAK ultrasonic flowmeter for gas measurements (0.5% precizie)
- Venturi diaphragm and venting flow measurement facilities
- KIMO tub Pitot(1 %, for a ± 10 ° alignment,ap to 1000 °C)
- MRU VARIO Plus - portable gas analyzer(CnHn,CO,CO2, NOx,H2)
- IMR2000 - gas analyzer(O2/CO/NO/CO2/CxHy)
- The micro-gas turbine Garret GTP 30-67 (25 KW)
- The micro-gas turbine Capstone C30 (30 KW)
- 72 CPUs Core Intel XEON Supercomputer - for CFD calculations
- Automatic Multifuel Oil Burner model KG/UB 100
- Pyrometer laser LaVision
- Control valves for pressures and high temperatures
- Electric control valves for air, liquid and gaseous fuels
- PLC data system (0.15s/1 K program)
Programe software:
- ANSYS: CFX, Fluent
Recent articles and publications
· R. Carlanescu, T. Prisecaru, A. Petcu Mangra, R. Kuncser, F. Florean, M. Enache - THE ANALYSIS OF THE COMBUSTION OF PREMIXED METHANE-HYDROGEN MIXTURES STABILISED BY AN INOVATIVE SWIRL INJECTOR - Tenth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium-Naples, Italy, -september 2017
· F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu, I. Porumbel, G. Dediu, PIV Measurements in Low Noise Optimized Air Jet Pump Demonstrators, International Journal of Energy, Vol. 10, pg. 33-43, 2016, ISSN 1998-4316
· A.C. Petcu, F.G. Florean, I. Porumbel, C. Berbente, V. Silivestru, Experiments regarding the combustion of camelina oil/kerosene mixtures on a burner, Energy for Sustainable Development Journal, Vol. 33, pg. 149-154, 2016
· A.C. Petcu, R.E. Kuncser, M. Deaconu, C. Berbente, D.E. Crunteanu, Experimental research regarding the combustion of crude camelina oil in a furnace, Procedings of 24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE 2016), pg. 1303-1308, produced and published by ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2016, ISSN 2282-5819, ISBN: 978-88-89407-165
· A.C. Petcu, V. Pleșu, C. Berbente , Estimation methods for thermophysical properties of camelina sativa crude oil, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series B, Vol. 78, Iss. 1, pg. 59-70, 2016, ISSN 1454-2331
· E. Barbu, V. Vilag, J. Popescu, B. Gherman, A.C. Petcu, R. Petcu, V. Silivestru, T. Prisecaru, M. Crețu, D. Olaru, The influence of inlet air cooling and afterburning on gas turbine cogeneration groups performance, capitol 2 al Gas Turbines – Materials, Modeling and Performance, INTECH, 2015, ISBN 978-953-51-1743-8
· A.C. Petcu, R. Cârlănescu, C. Berbente, Straight and Blended Camelina Oil Properties, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering - Proceedings of 5th International Conference on FLUID MECHANICS and HEAT & MASS TRANSFER, pg. 160-167, 2014, ISSN 2227-4596, ISBN 978-960-474-402-2
· A.C. Petcu, C. Sandu, C. Berbente, Combustion of Camelina oil – kerosene mixtures in a micro gas turbine, Modeling and Optimization of the Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Machines-Tools, Mechanical Engineering and Human Motricity Fields, vol. 555, pg. 102-107, 2014, ISSN 1660-9336
· I. Porumbel, A.C. Petcu, F.G. Florean, C.E. Hritcu, Artificial Neural Networks for Modeling of Chemical Source Terms in CFD Simulations of Turbulent Reactive Flows, Modeling and Optimization of the Aerospace, Robotics, Mechatronics, Machines-Tools, Mechanical Engineering and Human Motricity Fields, vol. 555, pg. 395-400, 2014, ISSN 1660-9336
· I.O. Prah, A.C. Petcu, R. Cârlănescu, C. Sandu, M. Ermacora, M. Jaganjac, F. Tatzber, N. Zarkovic, Combustion of ecodiesel – kerosene mixtures in gasturbine testing rig, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference New Challenges in Aerospace Sciences in Bucharest, pg. 142-146, 2013, ISSN 2344-4762
· A.C. Petcu, C. Sandu, C. Berbente, Numerical simulations of two-phase turbulent reactive flows, Proceedings of the 4th CEAS Air & Space Conference in Linksoping, pg. 736-741, 2013, ISBN 978-91-7519-519-3
· A.C. Petcu, C. Berbente, C.Sandu, Prospects for the use of biofuels in turbo engines, the Bioenergy Conference in Romania, ediția a-III-a, București, 07.06.2013
· A.C. Petcu, B. Gherman, F.G. Florean, C. Sandu, I. Porumbel, Numerical simulations of round turbulent jet flames, Nonequilibrium Processes in Plasma, Combustion and Atmosphere, pg. 395-401, 2012, ISBN 978-5-94588-121-1
· A.Petcu, C. Sandu, G. Dumitrascu, Camelina oil – kerosene mixtures combustion, COST Action CM0901 Detailed Chemical Kinetic Models for Cleaner Combustion, Scientific Report of the 3rd Annual Meeting, ISBN 978-619-160-036-6, pg. 128-130, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012
· I. Porumbel, F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu, Articifial neural networks for reactive Flow simulation, COST Action CM0901 Detailed Chemical Kinetic Models for Cleaner Combustion, Scientific Report of the 3rd Annual Meeting, ISBN 978-619-160-036-6, pg. 81-83, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012
· F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu, I. Porumbel, C. Sandu, C. Cârlănescu, G. Dumitraşcu, Experimental measurements in reactive and non-reactive turbulent flows, AIAA-2012-4271, 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit and 10th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2012
· A.C. Petcu, Flow control through an airplane’s inlet device, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN-13: 978- 3-8484-1576-2, 2012
· A.C. Petcu, Photonic Crystals – Innovative Systems, Lasers and Waveguides. Chapter 4: The optical transmission of one-dimensional photonic crystals containing double-negative materials”, INTECH, ISBN: 978-953-51-0416-2, 2012
· I. Porumbel, C. Carlanescu, A.C. Petcu, An embedded boundary algorithm for large eddy simulations in complex geometries, INCAS BULLETIN, vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012
· V. Silivestru, C. Cârlănescu, I. Porumbel "LES algorithm for simulating turbulent flows reactive, The XXX "Modern Science and Energy" Conference, Cluj - Napoca, Romania
· I. Porumbel, B. Gherman, F.G. Florean, C. Sandu "On the Influence of the Combustion Model on the Results of Turbulent Flames Numerical Simulations", ECOST-MEETING-CM0901-150910-002245, 2nd Annual Meeting Zaragoza, Spain.
· I. Porumbel, C. Cârlănescu, V. Silivestru ""LES Algorithm for Turbulent Reactive Flows Simulation". 3rd CEAS Air & Space Conference, Venice, Italy.
· B. Gherman, F.G. Florean, C. Carlanescu, I. Porumbel "On the Influence of the Combustion Model on the Result of Turbulent Flames Numerical Simulations ", GT2012-69255, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
· F.G. Florean, J.A. Popescu, I. Porumbel, C. Cârlănescu, G. Dumitraşcu "Experimental Measurements and Numerical Simulations in Isothermal Turbulent Flows", GT2012-69377, Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
· F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu, I. Porumbel, C. Sandu, C. Cârlănescu, G. Dumitraşcu "Experimental Measurements in Reactive and Non-Reactive Turbulent Flows", AIAA-2012-XXXX, 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit and 10th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA
· I. Porumbel, F.G. Florean, A.C. Petcu "Articifial Neural Networks for Reactive Flow Simulations", ECOST-MEETING-CM0901-150910-002245, 3rd Annual Meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria
Cristian Carlanescu Department head |
Florean CFD, Laserometry |
Sandu LCV Gaseuous Fuels, Laserometry, Experimental Setup |
Mangra (Petcu) CFD, Design, Unconventional Liquid Fuels |
Razvan Carlanescu CFD, Design, Hydrogen Mixture, Exp setup |
Marius Enache Experimental Setup, Design |
Radu Kuncser Pyrolysis, Gasification, Experimental Setup |
Workstation IASI:
Eusebiu Hritcu Puls Jet,CFD, Design |
Gabriel Ursescu CFD, Internal Combustion Engine, Design |
Ovidiu Trofin Fuel Injection, Experimental Setup |