Title: Common strategy to prevent the Danube’s pollution technological risks with oil and oil products – CLEANDANUBE
LEAD PARTNER: National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines COMOTI Bucharest, Romania
PARTNER: University of RUSE “ANGEL KANCHEV”, Rouse, Bulgaria
Operational Program |
Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2007-2013 |
Priority Axis 2 |
Environment - Sustainable use and protection of natural resources and environment and promotion of efficient risk management in the cross-border area |
Key Area of Intervention 2.2 |
Development of joint infrastructure and services to prevent natural and man-made crises, including joint emergency response services |
Areas of intervention 2.2 |
Development of joint infrastructure and services to prevent natural and man-made crises, including joint emergency response services |
Links |
Info |
- Approaching the scientific communities, of people from cross-border region of Romania – Bulgaria aiming to solve a common environmental problem, like the one of Danube water pollution with oil products.
- Romanian - Bulgarian activities harmonization by creating a common structure for crisis situation management.
- Common strategy to prevent technological Danube pollution with oil products based on a new solution by one step centrifugal processing and separation in ecological products.
- Study regarding the opportunity of a common strategy elaboration, to prevent pollution of the Danube with petroleum products,
- description and establishment of constructive and technological parameters that must be followed,
- possible constructive variations,
- and technological implications.
- Establish the complete project theme and elaboration of the technical project for the new solution for cleaning contaminated water with oil products and of the common strategy for preventing technological risks.
- Widely dissemination of the project’s results
- One step efficient solution for centrifugal processing of contaminated water with oil products in order to reduce pollution risks.
- Romanian – Bulgarian common strategy for accidents and technological pollution risks management of the Danube water with oil products.
Economic agents from regional and local level; National Companies of Administration of Danube River Ports; Public Authorities and Municipal Councils; Departmental Agencies of Environment Protection, etc.
Project Director: Drd.eng. Cristian PUSCASU, COMOTI Bucharest, 6 Iuliu Maniu B-d No. 220D Bucharest, Romania, phone: 021 434 01 98/489, Fax: 021 434 02 41, e-mail: cristian.puscasu@comoti.ro
Managing Authority : Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, Street No.17 Apolodor , sector 5, Bucharest phone: +40 0372111369, fax: +40 0372111456, e-mail: robg@mdrl.ro
The Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS/CBC) Regional Office RO - BG Calarasi Chiciu area, part of the main building of the headquarters building representing the Public Service River Transportation of goods and passengers to PCTF Calarasi (Romania), Silistra (Bulgaria), jud.Calarasi . Phone: +40 242 313 091,Fax +40 242 313 092, E-mail: HelpDesk_robg@calarasicbc.ro
Investing in your future! Romania - Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 is co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund This web site does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union. The initiators of the site are the sole responsible for the information provided through this site. |